The Agriculture Sector Network (ASNET) is the umbrella body of the agriculture sector in Kenya formed through a partnership of KEPSA, KNCCI, SDG partnership..

The National Agriculture Summit

The 4th Edition of the National Agriculture Summit which was scheduled to take place beginning of July 2024 was postponed due to the ongoing demonstrations.  A new date will be communicated soon.  We will keep you updated.  The theme of the Summit is “Embracing Sustainability: Innovations, Research, and Competitiveness in Agriculture.”

ASNET'S Strategic Plan

The strategic plan aims to guide the ASNET towards accomplishing its mandate and realizing its overall objective through partnerships in an effort to transform  agriculture sector


Have you registered? 

We cordially invite you to participate as a sponsor and exhibitor at this landmark event.

Register your participation   clicking here

The summit aims to bring together key players in the agricultural industry, including policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs, innovators, academia and other stakeholders, to foster engagement on promoting innovation, Research and a business-friendly environment within the agricultural sector. Policymakers will share insights on how regulations can be tailored to support agricultural innovation and competitiveness in driving sustainable agricultural development in Kenya and beyond for food and nutrition security, wealth and employment creation.


To partner with National government, County governments and Development Partners in transforming and revolutionizing the agriculture sector leading to growth, inclusive wealth and creation of decent jobs.



To be the most influential agriculture private sector actors’ umbrella body, voice and champion for transformation.

  • Accountability
  • Complementarities
  • Effective consultations
  • Honesty
  • Inclusivity
  • Integrity
  • Reciprocity

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